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How to Winterize Your Indoor and Outdoor Plumbing Before It's Too Cold

How to Winterize Your Indoor and Outdoor Plumbing Before It’s Too Cold

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When the leaves and temperatures start to change, the last thing on your mind is your plumbing. But as a homeowner, seasonal plumbing maintenance is essential to ensure your system doesn’t fail you throughout the winter. So before the cold weather hits, here are some steps to winterize your plumbing.

These tips are provided by our expert plumbing technicians serving the San Mateo and surrounding areas:

Disconnect Hoses from Outdoor Spigots and Turn Off the Water

If you’re a gardener or you have a yard that’s the envy of the neighborhood, you probably have a few hoses hooked up to the exterior of your home. However, these can become susceptible to damage in the winter if the weather gets below freezing. This weather can lead to ice in the water line, which can then lead to built-up pressure that can burst your pipes.

To avoid this damage, disconnect all your hoses and turn the water off to exterior spigots. Then, turn the valve on to release any water that’s in the line. Doing both of these things will make sure that you don’t have any water in the line that can freeze.

Consider a Frost Protector

Once you’ve disconnected the hoses and turned off the water, you may also want to consider a frost protector. These foam insulators fit right over the spigot, adding another layer of protection against frost.

Hot Water Tank Maintenance

Unless you have an on-demand tankless water heater, your hot water tank needs a bit of TLC before winter comes. Start by opening the drain valve and letting the water drain out until the tank is empty. Make sure that you have a drain nearby or in the basement for the water. Otherwise, connect a garden hose to the tank and drain it in a nearby sink.

Next, drain the holding tank to relieve any additional pressure that’s within the system. You can also add antifreeze to the jet pump case as an added safety measure.

Prevent Frozen Pipes

One of the most catastrophic events that can happen to your plumbing in the winter is burst pipes. However, you can prevent this with some quick, easy maintenance. Begin your maintenance by identifying any pipes that are more susceptible to freezing. This might include pipes in crawl spaces, near the exterior of the home, or in unheated places.

Once you’ve identified which pipes may freeze, wrap them with insulation sleeves, heat tape, or foam. This will prevent them from freezing or bursting and it’s a minimal cost compared with the cost of repairing ac burst pipes.

Clean Your Gutters

No one likes to grab the muddy, slimy mess that builds up in your gutters over the course of the year. However, this debris can quickly clog up your system, which in turn, can lead to ice dams or water leaks inside your home. So grab a ladder and dig out all that debris so that water can flow unabated.

While even the novice DIYer can take care of these projects, don’t forget to give us a call for the more tasks or preventive maintenance. With a quick call, you can get peace of mind with a plumbing system that won’t let you down.

Our crew is comprised of experienced plumbing technicians and the most advanced equipment available for plumbers today.  We’ve been serving the Bay Area for multiple decades and are here to help when you need us for all your commercial and residential plumbing needs.

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Costs are Rising, Use these Cost Saving Tips Around Your Bay Area Home

Costs are Rising, Use these Cost Saving Tips Around Your Bay Area Home

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In April 2021, inflation rose by 4.2% — the biggest year-over-year change since September 2008. As a result, nearly every basket of goods in the consumer price index is rising, making budgeting and cost-cutting a necessity for American households. However, cost-saving tips aren’t limited to buying less. Employing certain hacks can save money around your Bay Area home, giving you more money to spend on the things you want or need. Here are some options to put more money in your pocket each month.

Install Low-Flow Faucets in Your Sinks

According to some studies, replacing your current faucets with low-flow options can save up to 60% on your water bill. In most cases, you don’t need a commercial-strength faucet to cook or wash your hands, so putting these in your home is a no-brainer. If you like strong water pressure for your showers, leave the showerheads and replace everything else.

You can also add a water aerator to your faucets as an alternative or in addition to low-flow faucets. These devices screw onto the faucet tip and dilute the water stream with air, which uses less water without a marked decrease in water pressure.

Our plumbers in San Mateo have installed thousands of faucets throughout the Bay Area.  Ask us for a quote today.

Install Curtains and Blinds

If your Bay Area home has a significant number of windows that face east or west, curtains and blinds can reduce your energy costs. Reflective blinds can deflect sunlight during the summer, saving you as much as 45% on your energy bills over the course of the year. In the winter, turn the heat on and close the drapes to reduce heat loss by up to 10%, saving you even more on your bills.

Quit Drinking Bottled Water

Bottled water is a major drain on household expenses throughout the year. Even at $5 a week, that adds up to an unnecessary expenditure of $260 a year. Plus, the plastic bottles can pose a threat to the ocean or end up in a landfill where it could take up to 450 years to completely decompose.

Tap water is potable throughout the Bay Area, giving you an almost free source of H2O. If you’re averse to tap water, buy a water filter. Even with the cost of the unit and the disposable filters, you can still save around $200 a year.

EPS Inc. a division of Express Plumbing works closely with local municipalities on potable water tank inspections.  If you ever have a question about drinking water and what you can do around the home, simply give us a call.

Insulate the Water Heater

Unless you have an on-demand, tankless water heater, insulating your water heater tank can save you as much as 9% on your energy bills each year. All you need to do is buy an insulating blanket and wrap it around your water heater, which enables the unit to keep 40% more heat in. With the blanket in place, you won’t have to feel guilty staying in that hot shower a little while longer.

On-demand water heaters are our specialty.  We’ve installed them at homes and businesses throughout the Bay Area.  Need to know more?  Simply reach out to us and we’ll be glad to help.

Come Up with Your Own Hacks

The tips mentioned above are easy to do and can save you hundreds of dollars a year, but don’t stop there. Come up with your own hacks around the house, do a job that you normally pay someone else to do, or have a family meeting to come up with ideas. The money you save just might be enough for that summer vacation you’ve wanted.  If you have new ideas you’d like to share with others, send them to us and we’ll be happy to share them in our future articles.

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How Plumbing Improves Our Daily Lives and Our Planet

How Plumbing Improves Our Daily Lives and Our Planet

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Modern plumbing has changed the lives of Americans over generations. In 1950, 25% of households and 50% of rural areas lacked either running water, a toilet, or a bathtub/shower. Today, just 0.64% of American homes are without running water — a testament to the prevalence of modern-day plumbing. But with the advancement of plumbing has also come another boon: saving the planet. With water-saving fixtures in abundance, Americans enjoy convenience at home and the satisfaction of preserving the world — one drop of water at a time.

The Convenience and Innovation of Modern Plumbing

As innovative products continue to hit the market, plumbing has become more than just a modern convenience; in many instances, it’s a luxury item. From the amazing to the borderline excessive, here’s a look at some of the current plumbing products that continue to revolutionize the housing market.

Tankless Water Heaters

The days of the giant water heater tank are over, well, at least if you have the budget to upgrade to a tankless water heater. Using a heat exchanger, these systems heat water as it flows through the device, providing on-demand hot water without the need to wait. In addition, tankless water heaters can save up to 34% on energy costs compared to traditional water heaters, saving you money each time you turn on the tap.

If you’re looking into a tankless water heater in the Bay Area, call us for a free estimate, our team of experienced plumbers have installed hundreds of instant water heaters for homeowners throughout the San Francisco Bay.

Smart Products

Smart products are becoming a part of daily life for many Americans. From doorbells to virtual assistants, these products are all designed to make life just a bit easier. In the past five years, smart products have branched out into the plumbing sector. This includes products that detect leaks, purify water and alert you of any bacteria via Wi-Fi and even Bluetooth showerheads.

Touchless Faucets

Although touchless faucets have been around in commercial buildings for a decade or so, they’re becoming more popular in homes. Using a sensor to detect the presence of an object, these faucets turn off and on without you turning the tap. Not only is this more convenient, but it can also save you money while you’re multitasking in the kitchen or bathroom.

How Modern Plumbing Improves the Planet

While modern-day plumbing offers the utmost convenience, it also improves the well-being of the planet. Droughts and water shortages have become a regular occurrence in many parts of the world. But with water-saving plumbing fixtures, these instances are becoming a thing of the past.

Furthermore, modern plumbing practices in the U.S. are being applied in other areas of the world that don’t have access to clean water. Through various international initiatives, underprivileged areas are now receiving water for the first time — helping to quench thirst and eradicate waterborne diseases at the same time.

Express Plumbing is a division of EPS Inc. which specializes in underground construction, civil engineering and is also involved in working with local municipalities to regularly inspect underground drinking water lines.

Like any other industry, the plumbing sector continues to evolve and grow. With more new homes built every year and the plumbing profession growing by 4% over the next 10 years, chances are that new products will continue to make indoor plumbing safer, convenient, and planet-saving.

As your Bay area plumbers for multiple decades, our goal is to have you enjoy your home without plumbing issues but to also preserve our planet by advocating for advanced environmentally friendly plumbing solutions.  Contact us for all your residential and commercial plumbing needs.






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residential community plumbing

Money Saving Tips with Plumbing Choices Around the House

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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused financial hardships for many families across the country. With millions of furloughed workers and over 40 million unemployment claims, families and homeowners are searching for ways to cut costs wherever they can. One such way to save money during these uncertain times is to make sound choices about plumbing expenses. Use these tips to keep your fixtures and pipes running smoothly without breaking the bank.

Learn How to Shut the Water Off

If a pipe bursts or the sewer backs up, knowing how to shut the water off is the difference between spending $100 or a few thousand. Typically, the shutoff valve to your home is located in the basement or around the utilities on the exterior of your house. If you notice an excessive amount of moisture or a catastrophic volume of water in your home, turn the water off and call a plumber immediately.

Prioritize Your Plumbing Problems

Not every plumbing issue requires immediate attention. Others may require an emergency call to a licensed plumber. However, you’ll have to use your own judgment to prioritize these situations. If your toilet is running, you may be able to hold off calling a plumber whereas a burst pipe will need prompt attention.

Cut Your Costs on Plumbing Fixtures

Sure, a toilet with a heated seat or a showerhead that pumps out high pressure is nice to have. But if a budget toilet or regular showerhead will suffice, don’t spend the extra money on a luxury. You may also find that cheaper fixtures use less water, saving you even more cash on each flush or shower.

Go With PVC

Whether you suffer a plumbing disaster or you just need to update the pipes in your home, opt for PVC. PVC pipes, or polyvinyl chloride pipes, are a type of plastic pipe that cost up to one-third less money than traditional aluminum or copper piping. In addition, PVC pipes are flexible and can expand if your pipes freeze. As a result, you can avoid the disaster of a burst pipe while putting more money in your wallet.

Switch to Cold Water

Heating the water accounts for a huge portion of your monthly utility bill. Therefore, you can cut costs by making the transition to cold water. You can use cold water to wash your clothes with the same results as warm water. In addition, a cold shower is a great way to relax after a long day or give you the eye-opener you need to get the day started right.

Check Your Home for Leaky Pipes

Leaky pipes can cause your water bill to spiral out of control. So each month, check your basement, crawl space, and other areas of your home for leaks. Not only will this lower your water bill, but you can catch certain problems before they become catastrophic.

While you can use these tips to cut costs on plumbing issues, some situations require the attention of a qualified plumbing expert. Our plumbers in the Bay Area have been serving the community for multiple decades.  While we resolve plumbing issues, we focus on providing money-saving tips to our residential clients to help them long term.

Contact us with any plumbing issues you have, we look forward to serving you.

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Avoid Thanksgiving Plumbing Issues

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Thanksgiving is one of the most exciting times of the year. You invite friends and family into your home to celebrate what you’re thankful for while feasting and drinking to your heart’s desire. Unfortunately, the added company can also wreak havoc on your plumbing and home sewer system. Follow these easy tips to avoid Thanksgiving plumbing issues.

Don’t Abuse the Garbage Disposal

When used correctly, the garbage disposal is among the most convenient appliances in the home. If it’s abused, you’re on a dangerous path to clogs and backups. While it can easily grind organic matter such as the flesh of soft veggies and fruits, other items are problematic. Avoid bones, coffee grounds, eggshells, starchy vegetables, oils, and fats, as these can cause significant clogs that only a licensed plumber can repair. A sink strainer is a nice fail-safe if you have little helpers, or you haphazardly throw items into the sink by habit

If you’re Eco-conscious, throw all of the organic items you can’t put in the garbage disposal into a separate container. Together, the vegetables, fruits, coffee grounds, and other leftovers make one amazing compost that’s perfect for the garden.


Create Bathroom Ground Rules

Everyone has their own habits when it comes to the bathroom, but don’t let that prevent you from being the supreme ruler of the commode and shower. Space out showers at least 15 minutes apart to allow the drains to clear. Put up a sign that informs others that only toilet paper can do down the toilet, and if you have any hints of plumbing issues involving your flushing mechanism or a float, fix it before the holiday. By following these two simple rules, the chances of a sewage backup go down exponentially.

Don’t Play Handyman

Modern websites like Wikihow and YouTube have turned generations of bashful DIYers into proactive versions. In a perfect world, this means you could fix your plumbing just by watching a video or reading a short excerpt from a book. In reality, you could mess up your plumbing to the point of no return. Ignore Mr. or Mrs. Fix-It inside your head, and leave the problem to a professional.

Prevent Plumbing Issues With Proper Maintenance

If you notice some warning signs of plumbing issues such as slow draining sinks or showers, leaks, low water pressure, or a lack of hot water, tackle the problem immediately. A call to a licensed plumber before Thanksgiving is a surefire way to fix the issue and eliminate it at a fraction of the cost. Procrastination only exacerbates the problem and leads to further repairs and costs down the road — just when you’re saving up for Black Friday.

Some home plumbing and sewer issues are unavoidable, but with just a bit of forethought, you can avoid a Thanksgiving plumbing meltdown. That’s something you can definitely be thankful for.

Our crew of experienced plumbers have been serving the Bay Area since 1989.  Got a question? Give us a call or send us a message.

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What’s The Operating Cost of an Electric or Gas Water Heater

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The cost of water heater operation is just as important as the type of water heater you purchase.

Daily expenses are becoming more important to monitor for homeowners in the Bay Area and across the country.  With rising living costs, we often get asked by homeowners which water heater costs more, an electric or gas water heater? Here is some information to consider.

cost-of-water-heaterA water heater is an essential part of our everyday life, so when you’re faced with making a decision on installing a new water heater, remember that the average shower is about 8 minutes and uses 10 gallons of hot water every time.

An average water heater runs three hours every day, a 50 gallon, 55,500 watt water heater with a .90EF and electricity rate of $.16 per kilowatt will cost an average operating cost of $781 per year.  The majority of water heaters do have a label listing the annual operating cost, but it may vary depending on individual usage.

There are many choices when selecting a water heater, and the first one you’ll need to make is whether you want a tankless water heater or a traditional water heater.  A tankless water heater also saves on water usage and overall energy.  Get more info about traditional water heaters vs tankless water heaters.

The up-front cost is more expensive than the traditional water heater, but overtime, the savings make a lot of sense for homeowners concerned with energy savings.

Energy Operating Cost of Water Heater

Electric Cost

The federal average price in the U.S. for electricity is $0.09 per kWH.

Gas Cost

The federal average price in the U.S. for gas is $0.93 per therm.

Which Water Heater Costs Less?

Photo: Huffington Post - Saving Money For Your Family

Photo: Huffington Post – Saving Money For Your Family

An electric water heater uses electric resistance coils to heat the water, while a gas water heater uses the heating from burning natural gas.

What does this mean to you?  Electric water heaters are more energy efficient than gas water heaters but due to high electricity costs, the electric water heater is more costly to run.

At our San Mateo plumbing company, we provide commercial and residential water heaters, we’ve been serving the Bay Area since 1989.  We’ve provided water heater installations and repairs for all types, models, and energy requirements.

We work closely with every client to help them make an informed decision about their new purchase and installation.  Our technicians are experienced, and willing to assist you when you need a new water heater.

With every project, our professional plumbers work with our Bay Area residential and commercial plumbing clients to ensure they make important decisions early which intern saves them both time and money.

Give our team a call for a free estimate on your next electric or gas, traditional or tankless water heater installation.

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